We are a family run business that always strives to deliver quality instruction in a professional but warm and friendly manner.
We have worked hard to create our facilities and, most importantly, are very proud of the horses and ponies that we own and train.
We also pride ourselves on having an excellent safety record to date, only having had a handful of minor accidents within the fourteen years of operation.
We strive to up-skill our own knowledge and practices in order to deliver effective, safe and challenging programmes for all levels.
Kirsten is an Equestrian Coach Developer for Equestrian Sports NZ, holds NZQA Grade One (Level 4) Equine Coaching, ESNZ Introductory Coach, ESNZ Development Coach qualifications, NZPCA B Coach, NZPCA C+ and B examiner, a Diploma of Teaching and has had 6 years of tertiary education at Otago University in Education.
She is currently studying towards being an ESNZ Performance Coach, NZPCA A level Coaching and actively coaches the senior students at Waimea Pony Club. She was also a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour for the Top of the South Island and a Tutor Teacher for the Christchurch College of Education. She spent 16 years as a classroom teacher prior to setting up the Giggling Pony Equestrian Centre in Nelson.